SimplyNet residential home phone service brings you closer to the ones you love with unlimited low-rate packages. With SimpyNet home phone services, you can talk longer for less with family and friends in Canada, United States, and Europe. Brining the best features and affordable prices, SimplyNet is the best way to make long distance phone calls.
Most people believe that landline phones are obsolete since the introduction of cell phones. Phone carriers cut basic features from home phone packages and increased the prices, even with a population who are still in need of a landline phone.
That’s why all SimplyNet home phone packages include the basic, yet necessary, features needed to make the most of your home phone. All of our plans include voicemail, caller id, call waiting, and call forwarding, on top of our contract free service.
Crystal clear voice to make sure you hang onto every word.
Call back or don't. That's the beauty of voicemail.
If you're not happy, you're free to cancel anytime.
Be social without missing important phone calls.
No more unwanted calls from telemarketers.
Never miss important phone calls when you're not at home.
Ready to get more for less? Contact us today and we'll help you get a fair home phone package without the strings.
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